Children color hardcover board books printing


Ipprovdi Stampar Custom Ktieb OEM

  • Iċċekkja Mark Kampjun Ħieles
  • Iċċekkja Mark Sengħa exquisite
  • Iċċekkja Mark Kwalita għolja


Children color hardcover board books printing


Ktieb tat-test“, “Katalgu“, “Magażins“, “Ktieb tar-riċetti“, “Kalendarju“, “Board books printing“, “ Gverta tal-karti“, “Stampar għal awturi u pubblikaturi“,Stampar ta' kotba b'qoxra ratbaKtieb tal-bord tat-tfal“, “Ktieb tat-tfal“, “Sett RigalCook book printed

We follow your artwork to print

Binding method

Legatura hardcover“,”legatura paperback“,”wajer o/spirali marbut“,”Ħjata tas-sarġ“,”Ktieb pop-up“,” flip box“,”kaxxa slip

Kotba huma marbuta fuq talba tiegħek

Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott

Quotation Needed Info 1.Daqs
2.Pages( 1 sheet=2 pages)
3.Quantity( MOQ 500pcs)
4.Printing Color
5.Paper( Paper type and paper weight, –128g glosy art paper)
6.Irfinar( Matte or Glossy lamination)
7.L-irbit (eg.perfect binding, hardbound, wire-o, saddle stitch)
Artwork PDF, AI, PSD, (With bleed position)
Materjal glossy/matt art paper, Karta offset, woodfree paper,special type paper,writing paper, C1S C2S board,C1S grey board, karta kraft, lightcoated paper, lightweight coated paper, woodfree, and so on
Ippakkjar shrink wrap or bubble bag put into strong corrugated cartons, set down on the directly exportable fumigation-free wooden pallet as well as waterproof plastic film both inside.

Hardcover board books printing

Company Information

Factory Info:

Shenzhen Jinhao Color Printing possesses about 20000 square meters of garden-style

workshop space.

Our company has imported the most advanced printing equipment, such as German Heidelberg

bisect four-color printing machines, Japanese Komori bisect four-color printing machines and

Japanese Komori bisect five-color printers, for a total of 11 advanced printing machines.

Our fully automatic Swiss Martini binding machine and saddle stitcher allow us to provide excellent

and fast printing services for clients.

Binding ways you can choose:


Our Services

2016 book fairs:

2015 book fairs showcase:


1) Q : Meta nista 'nikseb il-kwotazzjoni għall-inkjesta tiegħi?

A: Usually the quotation will be sent to you within one working day upon all the details of

products being clear. Jekk xi ħaġa urġenti, nistgħu nikkwotaw għalik fi ħdan 1 hour based on all

details you provide.

2) Q : Kemm huwa twil il-ħin tal-produzzjoni bl-ingrossa?

A : Normalment 12-15 jiem. Ordni Rush hija disponibbli.

3) Q : Nista 'nikseb kampjun qabel il-produzzjoni bl-ingrossa?

A : Iva. The normal produce progress is that we will make a pre-production sample

for your quality evaluation. The mass production will be started after we get your

confirmation on this sample.

4) Q: Kemm nista 'nikseb dan il-kampjun?

A : Wara li tirċievi l-ħlas tal-kampjun u l-materjal kollu & disinn qed jiġi kkonfermat,

il-ħin tal-kampjun huwa 3 jiem u l-kunsinna Express normalment teħtieġ madwar 3-5 jum.

5) Q: Huwa l-ħlas tal-kampjun jista 'jiġi rimborsabbli?

A : Iva, normalment il-ħlas tal-kampjun jista 'jkun rimborsabbli meta tkun għamilt l-ordni,

iżda l-kampjun tal-merkanzija bil-baħar għandu jitnaqqas.

6) Q: x'tip ta 'karta tista' tiġi stampata fuq?

A : We have several kinds of paper material available which depends on your products need,

bħall-karta woodfree, karta tal-arti,karta kraft, kartun tal-karti,eċċ..


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